Wednesday, August 18, 2010


UNEMPLOYABLE! The word stared back at me like fiery darts shot from a bow. As I stared at it my legs started to bounce up and down. I felt myself starting to breathe a little harder. I even felt myself getting mad! I don't know why I was so surprised. I had seen that word in the same place used the same way almost 20 years earlier. Why was it so shocking now?

Let me explain. You see I am a 100% disable Veteran. In 1990 the VA declared me Unemployable due to my Service Connected Disability. That term is stamped on my records. I may look okay to some people on the outside but the doctors and those who know my medical history know that I am "Unemployable".

What does this have to do with my daily walk with Jesus? What connection is there with being "Unemployable" with God's Word? Better yet, you may ask, what does this have to with you?

I am reminded of two commands that Jesus gives us. On is "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me." (Luke 9:23 NKJV) The other command is "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; . . . "
(Matthew 28:19-20 NKJV)

In both of these commands Jesus never once made any reference to a person's ability, availability, capability, or employability. His command was to everyone no matter who they were regardless of age, physical attributes, mental ability, or where they reside. In the eyes of Jesus there is no one who is "Unemployable".

Yet, you cannot tell that by looking at His Church today! I am not talking about the "brick and mortar" building on the corner that has the sign out front with the name "church" in it. I am talking about His Bride – those who have a Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ. Those who call Him Lord and Savior! This is His Church.

There are many people in the Church today who is "Unemployable" not because God marked their paperwork or they have a disability but because of their own choice. They look perfectly "Christian" and act perfectly "Christian" but on the inside they are miserable. They fit into three "lines". There may be many more but here is the three that I see.

First, there is the "Unemployment Line". This line is full of those who do not like the "job or position" that God gave them to do. They are much like Jonah. When God said "Go", they bought a ticket and ran the other direction. They are standing in this line hoping to persuade God to change His mind that He made a mistake in where He placed them. The second line is the "Food Line". This line is for all those who are hungry for God's word. They want to be forced fed. They are too busy to read His Word, too busy to pray, too busy for group Bible study, and many are too busy for weekly worship service. This line has many who attend service several times a year. Some of them even break their own record of attending 3 or 4 times in one year! They just can't understand why they are thirsty for God's Word and why He just doesn't pump it into their brain while they sleep. The last line I see causes tears to come to my eyes. This line is the "Homeless Line". This line consists of two different types of people. The first type is those who have walked away from the Church. It doesn't matter why. The thing is they have left and have forgotten that they have brothers and sisters who will welcome them home. They feel all alone and they stand in this line just hoping that someone will come and show them a place to go. They are tired and weary. They need a human touch and someone to reach out to them. The second group of people is those who have problems and do not know where to turn. They have been away from the Church so long that they have forgotten that they ALWAYS have a Friend to turn to. His name is Jesus. They have lost hope and are standing in this line with down cast eyes hoping for the best. Yet, this line receives so much joy when the Shepherd calls their name and their faces light up as they see Him coming for them.

I know my "lines" are only an imagination "gone wild". However, haven't you ever wondered where all the people in the Church are today?

No wonder the world looks at the Church and says, "Why should I go there? What does it have to offer me?"

Well, I can tell you that the Head of the Church, Jesus Christ, offers me a place that I can be used. He protects me, cares for me, walks with me, and yes, He has even prepared a place for me when I die and depart from this earth.

The best thing is, He doesn't care what my weaknesses are because He makes me strong THROUGH HIM! I know my papers are not stamped UNEMPLOYABLE with Jesus. They are stamped



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